Aug 2, 2022Liked by Brian Scott Pauls

Love for Moldvay’s Inspirational Source Material! He also included a bibliography at the end of X2 Castle Amber. It listed CAS’s Averoigne stories, inspiration for the wilderness portion of the adventure.

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022Liked by Brian Scott Pauls

I'm a huge fan of Aston Smith, but if I were to add one item to either list it would be Wordsworth's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. It sounds odd maybe, but you'll be reading through and come across something and think "I think I could lift this whole, or an element of this to make that thing I got there to be much more vivid." Or you read and are struck by how the old thinking went on a given thing. Sure, its a bit more useful to the ref, but things like "Ah, lake of coyne partheth fallahshyppe" are gold to make your character just a bit more character like when discussing the brass tacks of adventuring life. Thanks for the banditry, a great read about great reading!

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